You WILL cry reading the letter this young girl wrote…

You know it’s time to get a few Kleenexes ready when the first line is :

Last July, just before her eighth birthday, Xitclalli ‘Chilli’ Vasquez was hit by a drunk driver who left her paralyzed from the waist down.

She wrote a letter to her driver, and I’d like to reproduce it here:

I don’t remember the first several days. I could not talk, so I had to use my thumb to answer yes or no. While I was in ICU I had very bad moments. They take me to Xrays every day, feed me through my gbutton, I had tubes through my mouth and nose.

There were times that I would cry and cry…in therapy they showed me how to lift myself and dress myself. But right now it’s still very hard. My mom does a lot for me but I try myself. There are days that I cry cause I can’t do what I used to.

Well, I could keep going but my hand is getting tired. I would like you to meet me and my family…there are days that are bad because I have a hard time getting around… Look at what I said and the words I said and tell me how I look and feel. How do you feel today? Do you remember July 9th?

Remember this when you think you’re “just fine”, you’ve had a few, but you’re “cool to drive”.

Drunk driving can change a life in an instant.

Just don’t.

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